Plural Representation

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This page documents the various different pieces of media with significant plural representation that we've found and think are cool. If you don't see a particular piece of media you like here, that doesn't mean we don't think it's cool, it just means we haven't seen it!

For ease of browsing, we've organized them by the medium through which they're told, and alphabetically within those categories. Each series is also listed with a rating out of five stars, the level to which plurality is explicitly referenced in the story (explicit, intentional, unintentional, etc.), any applicable content warnings, the specific characters which we see as plural representation, and a short synopsis that includes the reasons we see it as being plural representation.

Anime / Manga


TV Shows

Video Games

Bad Plural Representation

The entries listed below this point drastically misrepresent plurality and related medical conditions, and contribute to spreading misinformation and prejudice. They are not here as recommendations, but rather as warnings, and most if not all of them are terrible to the point of their summaries needing content warnings, let alone the actual piece of media itself. If you believe you may react badly to extreme misrepresentation of systems as violent, insane, or otherwise "evil", please do not read the summaries of these entries, or engage with the pieces of media they describe.