Roles: Undetermined
Nicknames: Echo, X0
Languages: English, Japanese
MTG Color: Black/Red
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Please keep in mind that fictives are not necessarily literally their source, and are not responsible for actions taken by their source prior to their formation in the system.
In her source, XCT-R0 was a prototype black ops android created by Dr. Freyja Illonavich of the Rebirth Imperium's weapons division. She was known as a brutal battle demon who gave little quarter to her enemies, but to her younger sisters, the Executor-class androids of which she was the prototype, she was both a harsh commanding officer and a strict older sister. Her relationship with the next eldest, XCT-R1, was particularly close. Eventually, her fate became that of many soldiers, and she was destroyed in battle.
After a superweapon Dr. Freyja created, the Phoenix Talon, was misused by her superiors, she chose to destroy as much of her work as possible and defect, scavenging XCT-R0's destroyed body from the battlefield along the way and reprogramming her into LBR-3N.
XCT-R0 would resurface on rare occasions during LBR-3N's adventures, usually in times of great crisis. While it seems in canon she is unstable but an ally if treated carefully, her remaining goals are still unknown as of the time at which the fictive version of XCT-R0 split from her source.